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Our University's International Office Staff Alper Karataş attended the project closing meeting at the Canadian Institute of Technology.

The closing meeting of the Erasmus KA107 International Credit Mobility project, which SUBU have been conducting since 2019, was held at the Canadian Institute of Technology in Tirana, Albania. International Relations Institution Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Reis MULİTA, Quality Assurance Manager Bledar Komina and Institution Management Organization Manager Ubejd Osmani attended the meeting which has been conducted for 2 days. During the project, 8 mutual activities were carried out, including 2 students and 6 personnel. In addition, meetings were held with new partners for the high-budget projects planned to be applied in 2023.

As of 2022, 5 different regions and 16 different universities, including the Canadian Institute of Technology, applied to the KA171 Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility in Third Countries Project Not Associated with the Program.