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Erasmus Personel Ders Verme ve Eğitim Alma Hareketliliği kapsamında Erasmus hareketliliğine hak kazanan personellerimizin bilgisine,

Polonya'nın Powiślański Üniversitesinde Erasmus personel hareketliliklerini değerlendirebilmeleri için kurumdan gelen etkinliğin bilgilendirme e-postası aşağıda paylaşılmıştır. İlgilenen personellerimizin kurum iletişim kişisiyle irtibata geçmesi rica olunur.


Dear Partner,

On behalf of Powiślański University, I am pleased to announce the International Week'2023 "Cultural diversity" that is going to be held on 16-20th of May, 2023.

During International Week, we also organize the International Scientific Conference “Faces of Prosperity", which will take place on 20th of May, 2023. 

We are looking for co-organizators of IX International Scientific Conference, V International Student Conference as well as 5th International Higher Education Fair. If your University/Instiution would be interested in this collaboration, please respond till 31th of December whether you are interested in co-organisation of any of the above listed events and please send us your logo and the official name your would like us to include on invitations. 

We would be glad to welcome your staff as members of the Scientific Board of the Conference. 

Main areas of the Conference:

• Social assistance - opportunities and threats

• Economic development and eco-development

• The principle of human and social capital in economic development

• Combating civilisation diseases, consequences of pharmacological treatment of civilisation diseases

When nominating a member for Scientific Board, please send me the title, name, department as well as the email adress. 

In my next email, I will send more information about International Week registration etc. 

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Best regards,

Paulina Osuch
Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator

Powiślański University

11 Listopada 29, 82-500 Kwidzyn
Heweliusza 11, 80-890 Gdańsk
Prosta 4, 87-100 Toruń
W. Sikorskiego 1, 83-400 Kościerzyna

tel.: +48 795 431 942